Whether you’re having a bathroom remodel or a residential remodeling project, it’s important to pay attention to your surroundings during the duration of the remodeling process. This is because you might encounter a few surprises that can affect your project’s progress and your budget. Kingdom Restoration shares some of them in this post.

Kitchen Remodeling

  • Floor Vent and Light Switch Cover Replacement. It might seem like a minor detail, but the floor vents and light switch covers should be considered in remodeling projects, especially if you’ll need to tear out the walls and floors. This is because they’ll need to be replaced since they might already be worn out, and they could’ve sustained damage during the project.

  • Improper Planning. Some homeowners fail to thoroughly plan their remodeling project, resulting in costly and time-consuming mistakes that will affect their kitchen remodeling project’s timeline. As such, to avoid these kinds of unpleasant surprises, make sure that you work with a remodeling contractor like Kingdom Construction, to help you create a sound plan that is well within your budget.

  • Asbestos. If you spot asbestos in your home, you’ll need to contact a professional to have it removed immediately since it is a hazardous substance that can seriously affect your health. It makes it difficult to breathe and it causes lung scars and irritation in the long run.

  • Structural Issues. You might be surprised to find structural issues in your kitchen since you might only notice them once the project is nearly completed. As a consequence, you might have to redo a significant part of it which is costly and time-consuming.

Reimagine your dream home with an expert on residential construction. Trust in Kingdom Restoration for all your exterior and interior remodeling needs! We value respect, design integrity, accountability and quality craftsmanship in every job that we undertake. Call us at (941) 263-8715 or fill out our contact form to receive a quotation. We serve clients in all of South Florida.